Health Room

Now that the weather is getting colder and the children have been in school together for awhile-the incidence of illness  is increasing.
We have some children at school with some impaired health issues that have to be very careful about catching illnesses.  A normal cold for them could progress into bronchitis or pneumonia rapidly.
Please keep your children home if they are exhibiting signs of illness such as:fever over 100,sore throat, excessive coughing, or copious amounts of nasal discharge.
If a student is home due to illness, they should not come back to school until they have not had a fever for 24hrs. without fever reducing medication.  If they had a stomach bug, they should not return until they have not vomited for 24 hrs.
Please remember to send in a note with your child when they return to school.  The note should include the date of absence,the reason and your signature.  Emails are not acceptable.